my november sky

I don’t always chase the sunset but today I do. I park my car, stretch, and go for a walk. Soon enough I find a break in the trees and a patch of grass. Here, I decide to sit still and look up. I begin drawing inspiration from the colors above, somehow they match the way I feel today. It’s amazing how blue can look so golden. The changing sky makes me feel a crescendo of emotion. At this moment, the world is mine — all mine. Instantly, my thoughts ponder about others. This can’t be the only november sky that has spoken to a soul. My mind starts to remind me that there are surely more than 100 things titled after a sky like this. However, my heart settles into the beautiful fact that no one has ever seen what I’m seeing. I tell myself “maybe a thousand other november skies have resonated with people, maybe it inspired someone’s final piece of art, maybe it gave someone the joy they needed, or maybe it was the backdrop to someone’s first kiss.” But the workmanship in front of me, this is my november sky. No one has seen it and no one ever will. Even if you’re at the same park, on the same patch of grass as me. Your eyes might see a pink highlight where I see a purple shadow. What I see is not what you see. What you see is not what I see. Our perception comes from our experience. May we always stay involved with life, never attached to it.