like the weather

fall, like the weather
a sudden fade is how this feels
as if i create a pause, and you disappear
so i give in, allowing myself to reap what was sowed
i begin to see how the tree branches lighten their load
when i choose to release, know it’s from the same hand
the same love i held when i had a promise and a plan
fall, like the weather
i’m told to take heart, time will make it better
deep down, i really want to be the best pacer
thinking my tears would help because i was never bitter
but they just keep making the dew on the grass glitter
my mind grows tired and my thoughts tend to crumble
i try to find meaning in those empty words, mumbled
we keep changing, like the weather
petals of passion and leaves of dreams
landing in those quick-moving streams
dampened desire surrounds us all too often
although my heart could misgive me, i let it soften
people pass by and say love is stupid, but no
the wind is reminding me that love, is letting go
we keep changing, like the weather
shifts can feel like a loss, but i quiet my fear
steadying my steps is how i feel hope in the air
i’m learning my lessons and moving past the start
wondering if my feet will lead me more than my heart
if not, i’ll pray that we both can trust and remember
that there is a plan in each season, just like the weather