deepen or drift

when turbulence meets our atmosphere it brings some sort of instability to our lives, or at least to the perception of our own world. we are then met with choices. and in this fast-paced world where our actions are assumed to be a flight or fight response, I aim to let my decision-making reflect the art of deepening or drifting. some days feel like time won’t allow for much ease, however the more mindful I become the more I find myself deliberately choosing to deepen what I already know or drift away from what is not for me — both being that of a slower nature. where flight feels like a sudden flee; drift feels like being slowly carried. where fight sounds like a struggle, deepening sounds like steadiness. neither are forced; both flow naturally. so even if there is pressure to choose an option I can still be reminded that every action does not yield immediate results. that is also something I can rest in. so maybe I decide to deepen a connection, or my self-worth, or my knowledge on a topic — remembering that each of those takes time and more time. and maybe I'll decide to drift towards new opportunities and passions or even to drift away from those attachments that hinder me — reminding myself that very little changes overnight. by practicing life in this way I begin turning my simple streams of thought into rivers of consciousness. there’s something about taking the time to ask myself, “am I choosing to dig my roots right here or am I choosing to pull my anchor up from there” that provides much more understanding for the lesson I’m currently learning and much less indecisiveness in my world.