lost signal

Rachel Brown
1 min readFeb 1, 2024

before hanging up you said “i’ll be back tonight”

my hope mounted up, but before it took flight

you muttered “so, i’ll see you tomorrow”

i ask myself how do i go with the flow

especially when your words hit like an arrow

always pulled so tightly within that bow

it’s like you play target practice with my emotions

they pierce and they puncture, feeling like explosions

all of these empty words and those inconsistent passions

do i get out of the way or keep justifying the small rations

you work hard at a safe distance, it must be your goal

all i wanted was safe connection, with my heart & soul

we sit here, in this surrounding silence

only to admit my mind is the loudest

inner thoughts sounding like a speaker, maxed out

static blasting, this feels like another blackout

you made the call, i just picked up

have we lost range? lost signal? or did you give up?

